Welcome to the Blog

Welcome to the Blog


What do you say in the first post for a new website that helps investors think outside the box?
Come on in and look around!

What does it mean to you?

ESG/impact investing means different things to different people. But you can make it whatever you want.
Who says you can’t?
Some investors want companies to adhere to certain guidelines. Some avoid certain industries – and that’s fine.
But there’s a huge area in the center lane for the rest of us.
A lot of companies are making a positive impact, and generating investment returns in that center lane too.

Maybe you have an interest in generating local jobs in a certain part of the world.
Maybe you think the green revolution is a great idea, but you know it will take time to achieve.
Until then, you like companies that minimize their environmental impact – so increasing fuel efficiencies, or air quality or recycling are important to you. These kinds of positive impacts might not be enough for someone else.
But that’s the beauty of this type of investing. It’s your decision.

What’s here?

ESG/impact investing is growing globally at a tremendous rate, but there’s no
information hub for non-professional investors who want to participate.
Valuesvest is changing that.

There are news items and social media on Valuesvest, and you’ll also find
summaries of current topics. We want to make investing more accessible to everyone.
If you’re a seasoned investor, some of it may seem simplified. But that’s the point.
Not everyone has an MBA or investing experience.

The internet has changed communications forever. And there’s no reason potential
investors should be shy about talking with with the companies that interest them.
If you are new to investing, here are some useful things to remember:

  • It has never been easier to speak with companies and E-mail has made it childishly simple
    to contact management teams. Believe it or not, the phone still works too.
    Companies want to talk to you and share their stories.
  • If a company is big, it may have an investor relations (IR) team (self-explanatory, right).
    For smaller companies, the CEO will often do the IR as well.
    Always look at the company’s investor presentation. Ask questions about it.
    It’s a great tool to help you understand the company, and should easily be found on
    a company’s website (or just use the Valuevest links).
  • The management of publicly traded companies can’t tell you non-public information
    and can’t guarantee you that the price of their stock will go up.
    Stay away from those topics, and companies will go to great lengths to help you
    understand their stories and why they think you should invest with them.

Can I do this?

Some funds have outperformed the overall market by mixing values with investment opportunities. See here (link ) So, if you’re worried that including your values with your investment choices will automatically mean poor performance, there is evidence it doesn’t. Of course, you may do better or worse than the market, depending upon your luck and your skill. Use the different areas of the website to stay informed, explore companies, or research topics. You can also find mutual funds that give you instant diversification, or wealth advisors with an ESG interest that can you help you.

Investing can be rewarding and scary. Fear comes from the unknown, and if you think about it, investing is about predicting the future. Some investments may take decades to finally pay off. On the other hand, some companies may have their fate decided in weeks or days. Ask the company, or an investment professional if you are not sure. It’s never been easier to get help.

We are launching Valuesvest at a crazy time in history, but like everything else, the craziness will pass. The odds are great that there’s a company out there involved in your area of interest, and if you like the investment prospects, Bam!, you’ve got yourself a tailored impact investment. We hope you find our site useful and wish you the best with your decisions.

Your values, your money, your choice.

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